Harit Gaba: Four Ways to Achieve Career Advancement


 Harit Gaba discusses career advancement and shares some ways you can support your career advancement goals.

Harit Gaba: How to Support Your Career Advancement Goals

In addition to the prospect of a salary increase, career advancement opportunities can motivate you at work. Career advancement comes in different forms, including training opportunities and more, and you should seek out these opportunities whenever possible. Harit Gaba discusses career advancement and provides a how-to guide for pursuing your career goals.

The following are some of the ways you can support your career advancement goals:

Speak up.

Be clear about your career advancement goals, whether in an interview or in a job you currently have. Be assertive when you speak up, but also be professional. You can ask your employer to give you more responsibility or better challenges, notes Harit Gaba.

Volunteer for other departments.

You can also choose to volunteer to help other departments or teams in the organization. It is a great way to raise your profile in the organization and prove your dedication to the company. In volunteering for other departments, you can also learn how other parts of the company work. In addition, working with several departments can familiarize you with other aspects of the company, which can help you make an informed choice about what kind of work you want to do and where you want to advance.


Check for internal job listings.

Set weekly reminders on your calendar to check for internal job listings that offer a higher-level position than your current one, adds Harit Gaba. Make sure you are qualified for the role. You may also choose to speak to a superior who can offer you some career advice. After that, speak to a human resources representative to get key information about the job.

Find a mentor.

A mentor with several years of experience in your field can help guide you in advancing your career, notes Harit Gaba. A mentor will give you good advice about the options you have and how to approach your career goals. Find a mentor you can connect with, someone who has a proven track record in the field and will make time for you.

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