Harit Gaba: Essential Skills for Running a Small Business


Harit Gaba on Small Business Management Skills

Running a small business is not easy, especially when you consider the fact that things are always changing, from customer needs to marketing strategies to new technology.

So, how can you manage a small business—while keeping an eye on the future and making sure you can scale up easily when the time comes?

Likely, you have to wear multiple hats and develop some crucial skills as you oversee different areas in your business.

What exactly is small business management?

Small business management involves coordinating and aligning all aspects of a small business, explains Harit Gaba. That can include managing employees, finances, suppliers, and all the daily processes of the business. A small business manager is generally also responsible for overseeing the business plan.

Everyone's definition of a "small business" is different, but let's just say these are companies with 1 to 99 employees.

What are the essential skills for running a small business?


Transparency and clear communication

Transparent and clear communication is very important, and this also applies wherever you're running your small business, says Harit Gaba. It may not come naturally to many people, especially because entrepreneurship is often a lonely journey in the beginning, but it's crucial as you're building your small business. All your great ideas can't just live in your head, notes Harit Gaba. You have to be able to communicate them to people who can help you turn ideas into reality.

Attention to detail

From performance metrics to revenue and business administration—and much more—there's too much information to pay attention to to make the right business decisions (often in real-time).

Harit Gaba suggests using online tools that can help you track and measure important information and data better. 

Effective time-management skills

With numerous tasks to juggle when running a small business, Harit Gaba says that time management skills are crucial in doing your job. You have to know how to prioritize, delegate, and manage tasks when working with your team.

Follow this Harit Gaba page for more insights on career counseling, small business management, work-life balance, and other related topics.


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